
Monday, February 27, 2012

My Beautiful Momma

How Gorgeous is she!!!

I have one of those photo screen savers on my computer. So when I stepped away from my computer today, my screen saver kicked in and started flipping through all my mom's old pictures.

My Dear Mr. scanned them all so we could have copies.

As I stared looking at all the great pic's, I thought...I LOVE looking through all her old photos.

I love everything...the clothes, the hair, everything!
She won "Miss Teenage Philippines" in Los Angeles in 1965!! She was 17 years old.
(yes she IS Filipino, I promise! Just half, other half is Irish)
See! That's my momma with my grandpa! :)

I guess I'm just feeling a little sappy and nostalgic on this Monday.

Love you Momma!! :)

Much Aloha,
Monika *:)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pizza, Pizza

So the other week I went on kind of a Pizza kick. I made 4 different pizza's in one night!!

What can I say....I like having choices!

I saw this recipe over at The Pioneer Woman Blog for a Grilled Vegetable Pizza.
So I thought I'd try it.
Looks pretty darn good, right?......well it was! :)

I changed it a bit, just so Miss K could eat it if she wanted,
but I did make her her own mini pizza too :)
Hold the Cheese Please....with light sauce too.
And a traditional Cheese and Pepperoni

So after all this pizza eating, I thought, "What the heck!!! Lets make a Dessert Pizza!!"
A Dessert Pizza!!!

You'll Need:
Pizza Dough (I bought mine at Trader Joe's)
Melted Butter
Cinnamon Sugar, or "Grinder of Goodness" (see below)
Peanut Butter
(I used Sunflower Seed Butter since Miss K is allergic to Peanuts)
Sliced Apples
Chocolate Sauce
Mini Chocolate Chips

I started by pre-baking the pizza dough with a little melted "Miss K friendly butter" brushed on it and grinded this "Grinder of Goodness" on it. (No, that is not it's official name...but it should be!)
After the dough was done baking I smeared Sunflower Seed butter on it like it was the Pizza Sauce.
Arrange the sliced apples all around, and drizzle with chocolate sauce. I used:
and lastly I sprinkled the mini chocolate chips (mine were dairy free) all around.
You can add nuts, dried fruit....whatever you fancy ;)
And if your feeling really crazy.....maybe grind a little more of that goodness on top!
Slice and Enjoy!!

I can safely say that everyone loved it.

We had chocolate sauce on our faces to prove it ;)

Happy Friday & Have a Hoot of a Weekend!! :)

Much Aloha,
Monika *:)

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Sunnies, or Sunrise Shells are my Favorite!! They're a treasured shell in Hawaii, and this beauty was given to me by my Auntie Mad. She got this shell and had it turned into this gorgeous necklace for me. It was made my a local artist on Kauai, Amber Lynn. I LOVE IT!!! She is super talented!
 I love it, love it!!! It's like having a piece of home with me when I wear it. I miss Kauai everyday, but am so grateful for everything that I have here in California. Hopefully I will be able to visit soon, but until then I will wear my Sunny with pride :)

Much Aloha,
Monika *:)

I'm wearing: Dress: Target, Belt: Forever 21, Shoes: Candies, Necklace: Amber Lynn

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Little Ham's

So, last weekend we had some fun in the backyard taking pictures and little Miss K decided that she needed some face time in front of the camera. These are either her official model poses, or she's "Voguing".  ;) Either way, she is absolutely adorable. Don't you think??

Oh...and we got her hair cut recently. Cute, right?! Now she says that her and I are twins :) haha! What do you think.....?

And Miss Ali....She's gonna be 13 next month!!!!!!!!! Holy Smokes!!!

She's growing up so fast! I just can't believe it sometimes!! She's becoming such a great young lady :)e

I love both my little girls so much. I'm a very lucky momma :)

Well off to bed. Maybe...just maybe...I'll be back tomorrow with an outfit post. Maaaaybe.

Much Aloha,
Monika *:)

Friday, February 3, 2012

And that's what's for dinner!

Spaghetti with sausage, zucchini and bell peppers.

So Yummy, Healthy & best of all Easy!! Especially since the little one is still a little sicky.

So now off to a fun filled weekend. An Estate Sale with my sis in the morning, then lots of family time after that. Then its Super Bowl Sunday!!! And No, I don't just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials!! (not that there is anything wrong with that) ;) I'm actually a huge Football fan :)

 So go enjoy your weekend!!

Much Aloha,
Monika *:)