
Friday, February 24, 2012

Pizza, Pizza

So the other week I went on kind of a Pizza kick. I made 4 different pizza's in one night!!

What can I say....I like having choices!

I saw this recipe over at The Pioneer Woman Blog for a Grilled Vegetable Pizza.
So I thought I'd try it.
Looks pretty darn good, right?......well it was! :)

I changed it a bit, just so Miss K could eat it if she wanted,
but I did make her her own mini pizza too :)
Hold the Cheese Please....with light sauce too.
And a traditional Cheese and Pepperoni

So after all this pizza eating, I thought, "What the heck!!! Lets make a Dessert Pizza!!"
A Dessert Pizza!!!

You'll Need:
Pizza Dough (I bought mine at Trader Joe's)
Melted Butter
Cinnamon Sugar, or "Grinder of Goodness" (see below)
Peanut Butter
(I used Sunflower Seed Butter since Miss K is allergic to Peanuts)
Sliced Apples
Chocolate Sauce
Mini Chocolate Chips

I started by pre-baking the pizza dough with a little melted "Miss K friendly butter" brushed on it and grinded this "Grinder of Goodness" on it. (No, that is not it's official name...but it should be!)
After the dough was done baking I smeared Sunflower Seed butter on it like it was the Pizza Sauce.
Arrange the sliced apples all around, and drizzle with chocolate sauce. I used:
and lastly I sprinkled the mini chocolate chips (mine were dairy free) all around.
You can add nuts, dried fruit....whatever you fancy ;)
And if your feeling really crazy.....maybe grind a little more of that goodness on top!
Slice and Enjoy!!

I can safely say that everyone loved it.

We had chocolate sauce on our faces to prove it ;)

Happy Friday & Have a Hoot of a Weekend!! :)

Much Aloha,
Monika *:)


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