
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Making Progress

It's been pretty crazy around here. We're in the midst of preparing for Missy Miss' Birthday Party.... Nothing gets you super motivated to get things done quite like a party at your house, right? :)

Oh... procrastination is a horrible curse!

So, needless to say, we are BUSY! But, it's the good kind of busy. The kind of busy that when you look at what you've accomplished, you feel proud and satisfied.

This is what our backyard looked like 2 weeks ago.......
Pretty scary, right?? :(
Now... two weeks later we are ready to sod!!! :)
All this work done in 90+ degree weather.... WHAT WERE WE THINKING??!!?? and YES... We did all the work ourselves!!! (with help from my F.I.L and B.I.L...thanks guys!!)

As I was taking one of our many breaks from the heat I snapped a few little pics.
and Missy Miss got a new Bubble shooter from her Grammy & Papa :)
 She literally filled the whole backyard with bubbles!! :)
The sooner we are done with this backyard, the happier I will be!! :)

On to this week....getting the sod in, getting Ali ready for back to school, getting ready for the birthday party for Missy Miss.....goodness.....can anything else be happening??!!

After Labor Day we are done with house projects for a while....then it's time for the Palm Springs Countdown!! ;)  (I'll get to that in a later post) :D

Hope you are enjoying the last few days of summer!!

Much Aloha,
Monika :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Birthday...

Mom & Aunty Sue!!!
Half sisters born on the same day years apart. Pretty cool, right? :) (my mom's the older of the two) :)

We're all going out to dinner tonight to celebrate. I can't wait!! :)

Hope you are having a Very Happy Sunday!! :)

Much Aloha,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Little Gifts :)

Tomorrow we are having a little baby shower at work for a co-worker. She is the cutest preggers lady you'll ever see :) She's having a little baby boy and the theme for his room is OWL's!! :)
So of course, I had to sew her a little sumthin sumthin ;)

I love being able to put love into something that I make for someone else :) I hope she likes them!!! :)

Do you prefer handmade gifts over store bought??

Much Aloha,
Monika :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


She came in yesterday, and we are soooo happy that she's back!!!!

Much Aloha,
Monika :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Playing Dress Up

Isn't funny how every girl goes through the "Playing Dress Up" phase? Miss Kourt has just recently discovered this long loved pass time. So luckily I had this tutu that I had bought a while back stashed under my bed. Well... needless to say, She LOVES it!! Now all she wants to do is play dress up. I guess it's time to buy more tutu's, princess dresses & fairy wings :)
She's such a HAM!! Half the pictures that I took came out blurry because she was wiggling around and dancing :)
So as I was looking through these pictures of Miss Kourt, I started thinking about Ali (who comes home tomorrow!! Yippee!!!!). She loved playing dress up too....
Ali when she was 4 (she's gonna kill me for posting this....but she is so darn cute!!!!)

I swear...I have the two cutest girls in the world!!! :)

Do your kiddos love playing dress up?

Much Aloha,
Monika ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Brownies Anyone??

I am admittedly a bit of a chocoholic. Dark, milk...any kind of chocolate, and I'm there :) So you can understand my sadness when we found out that Miss Kourt is allergic to Dairy & Peanuts!! :*(  Not only is it scary that she may have a reaction if she has these foods (we carry an Epi-pen for her peanut allergy), but we really had to alter everything that we ate. Now, chocolate is not always made with milk, obviously Milk Chocolate is, but Dark Chocolate isn't. HOWEVER....whenever I look at 99% of dark chocolate bars they are "made in a facility that also processes peanuts and milk". Well, that does not help me. I  cant even buy products that are processed in a facility that also processes peanuts, that's how bad her allergy is. :(
You can imagine my Delight whenever I find "treats" that are completely "Free" from all the things that Miss Kourt cant have! :)
Enter... Traders Joe's NEW Gluten Free Brownie Mix!!!!

I saw this at the store and I picked it up right away and I saw the label
It's totally safe for Miss Kourt!!! YAY! I was so excited I told the cashier "Thank you so much for this!" :)
So of course I made them tonight! and I added a little sumthin sumthin to the mix. What did I add, you ask? Chocolate chips (dairy free) and some marshmallows (cause that's how I roll). ;)
 And I think SHE liked it!!!! And that's what matters most!!!

The batter is really thick, and they took a little longer to cook then what was on the package.... but that could just be my oven. Overall...these brownies were YUMMY!! :) A must try for anyone who loves chocolate (allergies or not) :)

Now we can all have a little treat now and then, and know that its safe for Miss Kourt.
THANK YOU Trader Joe's!!!!

Much Aloha,
Monika :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

You gotta see this!

Have you been over to Hello Giggles???? Well you should! It's one of the most eclectic, awesome blogs ever!! I stopped by today, and saw this videochat Karaoke by Rozzi Crane.
Ok...Rozzi Crane is AMAZING!! I love her voice, style, and swagger! She sang "Stronger Than Me" by Amy Winehouse.
Just sit, turn your volume up and listen....You'll be hooked just like I am ;)

Pretty amazing...right?

Hope you enjoyed that just as much as I did :) (I think I listened to it like 3 times in a row)

Much Aloha,
Monika :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Cooking with what you got

Happy Monday!!!

We all have those days where we just don't know what to cook, right. Or is it just me????
Well, today was one of those days for me. I look in the frig, and just stare. "what-to-cook???"
So I thought to myself...Cook with what you got!
The "Regulars", Onions & Garlic - Check
Fresh eggplant from my friends garden - Check
Fresh zucchini from MY garden - Check
Broccoli - Check
Red Bell Pepper - Check
Leftover Seasoned Turkey Breast - Check (easily omit for vegi meal)
S & P to taste
and for some carbs...Whole wheat Couscous - Check

 Throw them all together, and you got one YUMMY meal!!
And you know what????
Kourt Loves Couscous!! and Vegi's!!!
After this pic, She literally ate it ALL!!! :)

What do you throw together when you have one of those days???

Much Aloha,
Monika :)